7 Things you can’t wear when you’re a mom

Article written by Online Education portal Although moms still want to look their best and remain stylish, there are something’s that they just can’t wear. So if you are a new mom and looking at investing in some new attire, here is what you should avoid. Strapless anything – You will realize that your child will pull your top down sometimes a day and make things quite embarrassing. High heels – Heels make it difficult for moms to move around and carry your child. Therefore, look at investing in wedge heels that offer support and balance. Lipstick – Your child will often wipe your lipstick off your face, or you will end up rubbing it on his/her cheeks and clothes. Instead look at a lip-gloss or concentrate on highlighting your eyes and leaving your lips bare. Perfume – Some perfumes can be overpowering, and this can cause your child to be irritable. If you must wear perfume, choose one that is mild and natural. Short skirts – These are a no-no as you will have to bend over and pick up your child many times a day. Non-stretch jeans – Jeans that you have to strain to get into can be difficult to run around in and should be avoided at all costs. Pants with many buttons, snaps or one that requires a belt – When you have a child, time is of the essence. Therefore toilet breaks have to be short and very quick. Choose jeans and pants with a zip or ones that have a tie....

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