Interestingly, the breaks you take during your workday hold an important place in the state regulations of California. Douglas Han, a legal expert at the Justice Law Corporation, points out, “In California, employees receive a 30-minute uninterrupted meal break per five hours of work (for shifts in excess of six hours) and a 10-minute uninterrupted rest break per four hours of work (or major fraction thereof). It probably surprises many employees that, if Justify with no choice but to work through their breaks, they are actually entitled to one hour of additional pay.” According to Douglas Han of the Justice Law Corporation, “Working through breaks may not sound like a big issue, but over time it can lead to employees overworking, stress, anxiety, and burnout. Providing employees with the chance to take a break is essential.” Employees should be resting during such breaks, and this is covered in several laws drafted that manage employee welfare at the workplace. Rooted in a history marked by labor rights violations, laws such as these are an essential mechanism to maintain ethical standards throughout businesses and to ensure the well-being and respect of the workers. These regulations have been clearly defined through landmark rulings in California, such as Brinker Restaurant Corp v. Superior Court, which delineates comprehensive employer responsibility standards where it pertains to meal and rest break provisions. Despite these regulations, many employees find themselves involuntarily working through their designated breaks. Douglas Han of the Justice Law Corporation gives some insight into why this could be occurring when he suggests, “Employees may feel coerced to work through breaks to handle essential business which cannot be accomplished within the confines of regular working hours.” This phenomenon is illustrated by occurrences such as discussions between supervisors or co-workers about work-related topics, requests to get back to work, queuing to re-clock in from lunch breaks, and others. Taking legal action is one of the possible choices that you can make if you believe that your entitlement to meal/and or rest breaks has been neglected. Before finally engaging a reputable law firm to represent you legally for employer non-compliance with meal and rest break violations, instances must be documented. California’s relentless commitment to upholding workers’ rights underscores just how important it is for employees to speak out if they feel that their employer has been unfair or has taken advantage of them in any way, shape, or form. Also check these related social media posts 1, 2,...
Read MoreBrad Pitt’s investigation extended due to new accusations
Sources say that the LA County Department of Children and Family Services has extended their investigation into Brad Pitt regarding an alleged incident with a child aboard a private plane. The FBI visited Angelina Jolie’s residence in Malibu to questioned potential witnesses for 3 hours, which included some of their children. The alleged incident is related to reports of “unintentional contact” between Brad and a child. A spokesperson for the FBI went on to say. “In response to your inquiry regarding allegations within the special aircraft jurisdiction of the United States; specifically, an aircraft carrying Mr. Brad Pitt and his children, the FBI is continuing to gather facts and will evaluate whether an investigation at the federal level will be pursued”. The FBI intend to conclude the investigation shortly and if there are reports of child abuse, they will forward the report to the U.S. District Attorney to look at the further evidence and prosecute, if necessary. The outcome of this investigation will not impact Brad and Angelina’s divorce or their custody agreement over their six kids. Sources say that Brad has seen the children twice since Angeline filed for divorce mid-September. Angelina was given sole custody of their children, while Brad received visitation rights, till the case is heard. The 41-year-old actress, however, believes that the couple will co-parent their children in the future. An insider stated that Brad was eager “to see the kids and to work out an arrangement that is best for them” and “wants to work things out privately and amicably.”...
Read MoreKey provisions in a construction contract to reduce claims
Any construction project, big or small, comes with a certain amount of risk. Unless both time and cost have been underestimated, there is a likelihood that the project will have cost overruns and delays. Any construction disputes that arise from such issues usually end up with a construction claim that goes before a mediator or legal authority. One way to limit or reduce the possibility of claims is to ensure that key provisions are in the contract to protect you. Here are some of those clauses: Notice Any request for additional time or cost due to any circumstances must come with written notice to the owner. The owner then has sufficient time to both examine the merits of the claim and make changes to the timeline or cost agreement. When a contractor does not meet the contractual obligation to provide notice, they waive their rights with respect to the contract. Differing conditions At face value, the differing site conditions clause looks like protection for the contractor. When a site does not match the original site condition at the point of inspection, the contractor can ask for a fair adjustment in price. The owner benefits by getting a more realistic figure for the initial costing, as the contractor doesn’t need to pad the estimate to account for any unforeseen changes. Time extension Whenever possible, insist on a clause that makes the contractor financially liable for any delays for the project within their control. Written by Lyle Charles Consulting. Get the very best in construction claims consultants for your construction project from Lyle Charles....
Read MoreProtect your copy right
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Etiam auctor viverra urna, nec egestas purus. Curabitur accumsan felis posuere nibh ultricies, commodo fermentum leo euismod. Donec vitae eros iaculis, volutpat nulla a, interdum lectus. Suspendisse potenti. Integer nunc risus, aliquet posuere fringilla id, fermentum in lacus. Integer vulputate malesuada fringilla. Maecenas sollicitudin ipsum eget lectus consectetur, ac interdum mauris vehicula. Curabitur euismod ac neque vulputate porta. Curabitur sagittis ut felis quis hendrerit. Proin ullamcorper turpis egestas, aliquet risus a, scelerisque lacus. Ut viverra ultrices eros, quis egestas metus. Sed tristique porta risus in consectetur. Proin ut congue purus, vel eleifend ligula. Ut nulla sapien, varius in rhoncus id, congue quis nisl. Nulla ultricies gravida eros, ultricies ullamcorper purus gravida quis. Proin sodales mollis euismod. Nam eget orci dui. Vestibulum in orci ut metus faucibus commodo ut vitae magna. Aliquam id nisi luctus, luctus mi nec, ultrices massa. Donec rutrum tincidunt mollis. Integer placerat rutrum neque. Ut malesuada iaculis nisi, accumsan scelerisque tellus scelerisque a. Fusce condimentum efficitur posuere. In hac habitasse platea...
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