How to deal with negative online reviews

As more customers shop and review products online, businesses have learned how positive reviews impact sales and strengthen customer trust. However, modern, discerning customers are more inclined to publicly explain their negative experiences online while demanding compensation. Although all businesses will do their best to satisfy their customers, there will be times when they fall short. The following strategies can be a company’s best defence against bad reviews. Look at negative reviews as an opportunity – When a negative review is posted, seeing it as an opportunity to showcase the company’s excellent customer service skills can put a positive spin on the situation. A trained customer service team will be able to professionally handle customers while rectifying the problem. Solve the problem – Consider how the company can help by offering the best possible solution to the customer. Ask the customer for feedback – If you request feedback after each purchase, chances are that a dissatisfied customer will be identified before they can write an online review. Additionally, more positive reviews can increase sales and customer trust while hiding negative feedback. Keep track of reviews – Actively monitoring reviews will help to identify negative reviews as soon as they are posted. This allows the company to speak to the customer and in some cases request for the review to be removed. Take the discussion offline – Since reviews can be seen publicly, avoid lengthy conversations online. Instead, ask the customer for a contact number or offer a direct number to a customer service representative, who can assist the customer offline. Revdex is an online business directory. Revdex’s aim is to improve the connection between consumers and businesses. They provide the customers with an opportunity to browse and post negative complaints and reviews about businesses and they make it easier for their voice to be heard by the companies. For example you can file scam report about online shopping issues or file complaint about...

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